Loyalty Card

Order your Fish & Chips!

Kirby's Rewards

Earn 1 point for every £1 with our loyalty scheme

Starting today, our customers can earn points on every order – online and in-store – with the Kirby’s App. Simply download on App Store or Google Play, create your account with us and you’ll be given a unique QR code to scan in-store. Purchases made online automatically top-up your point balance.

How does it work?

Whenever you order online or through our app, points are automatically added to your balance. You can always check your balance at checkout. If you order in store, you can scan your unique QR code found within the app at any Kirby’s store.

There are loads of added extras

If you opt-in to marketing, we’ll be able to send your personalised rewards and offers exclusive to our app. We have seasonal discounts, limited quantity offers, double point days and much more lined up.

No Smartphone?

You’ll lose personalised offers, but we know using a phone isn’t everyone’s preference. Kirby’s Loyalty cards are available upon request at our Horsforth and Meanwood stores.

*Minimum point balance of 100 before you can redeem. Exclusions may apply.

† You must opt-in to marketing and enable notifications for exclusive offers and vouchers.

Download the app on iOS or Android

Create your account through the app or via our online menu

Scan your unique QR code to earn*

Earn points at both Kirby’s stores online and in-store to redeem on your next order*

App Exclusive offers & vouchers

We’ll give you exclusive rewards and offers after collecting 100 points - just for being a loyal Kirby’s customer!

No Smartphone?

You’ll lose personalised offers, but we know using a phone isn’t everyone’s preference. Kirby’s Loyalty cards are available upon request in-store.

*Minimum point balance of 100 before you can redeem. Exclusions may apply.
† You must opt-in to marketing and enable notifications for exclusive offers and vouchers.